Pediatric Anesthesia and Critical Care Journal (PACCJ) (Jan 2016)
Effects of proseal laryngeal mask airway cuff inflation on carotid flow in pediatric population during sevoflurane induction
Introduction The laryngeal mask cuff inflation can exert a pressure and a displacement on the neck vessels and determine a potential change of the carotid flow. The study exami- ned the effects of cuff inflation of a ProSeal Laryngeal Mask Airway on the carotid bulb during sevoflurane in-duction in pediatric population. Materials and Methods The measurement of some hemodynamic parameters (cross-sectional area carotid artery, resistance index, carotid flow acceleration, systolic and diastolic peak velo- city, SDR [S/D Ratio: Systolic Peak Velocity / End Diastolic Velocity]) were performed bilaterally before and after laryngeal mask cuff inflation by color Doppler ultrasound at the level of the carotid artery bulb during sevoflurane induction in pediatric patients undergoing surgery. A ProSeal laryngeal mask was used in this study as it has a better leak pressure versus the classic laryngeal mask airway. Results Results showed that there was no clinically and statistically significant variation in measured parameters befo- re and after laryngeal mask cuff inflation Conclusion The results demonstrated that in children during sevo- flurane induction, differently from other studies descri- bed in literature, laryngeal mask cuff inflation does not reduce or change the carotid flow and all other hemodynamic parameters.