Turkish Journal of Orthodontics (Dec 1997)

Comparıson Of Dentofacıal Changes With Rıgıd Acrylıc Bonded And Haas Type Banded Rapıd Maxıllary Expansıon Devıces

  • T. Ufuk Toygar Memikoğlu,
  • Haluk İşeri,
  • Melike E. Uysal

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 10, no. 3
pp. 255 – 264


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The aim of this study was to describe and compare the dentofacial changes obtained with the Haas type banded and rigid acrylic bonded RME therapies. Lateral and posteroanterior radiographs, and dental casts of 30 growing children who had unilateral or bilateral posterior crossbite were analysed. The study groups consisted of 21 cases treated with acrylic bonded and 9 cases treated with Haas type banded RME appliances. Results revealed that lower nasal width, basal maxillary width and intermolar width were increased in both groups. Increase in the inclination of the upper molars in the transversal direction was more in the banded group compared to the bonded group (p < 0.05) Overbite was markedly reduced in the banded group (-2.51 mm), while slightly decreased in the bonded group (-0.61 mm), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (p < 0.01). The findings of this study suggest that the rigid acrylic bonded RME appliance may be an acceptable alternative compared to the conventional banded RME appliance, especially in cases with insufficient overbite.
