Oftalʹmologiâ (Jan 2016)
Рenetrating operations of the eyeball as triggering factor of ocular ischemic syndrome
Purpose is analysis of development ocular ischemic syndrome after antiglaucomes operation. Patients and methods.The materials: data of 14 patients after antiglaucomes operation. The age of patients ranged from 58 to 73 years, 5 females and 9 males. Ocular ischemic syndrome (OIS) was diagnosed in all patients at different times after surgery. This diagnosis is based on clinical manifestations of the syndrome and sharp disturbance of hemodynamic parameters in the main vessels of the eye and the brachiocephalic trunk. Hemodynamic parameters were evaluated with a multifunctional ultrasonic instrument («VOLUSON 730 PROGE») by contact transpalpebral method in 3‑D mode.Results. 14 patients had OIS at different times after antiglaucomes surgery. In all cases, the surgery was without complications. In 3 patients OIS was set at 10‑12 days after surgery, at 7 — after 20‑22 days, at 4 patients — after 1 month. Computed perimetry noted concentric narrowing of the boundaries at 6, sectoral loss in 4 patients, MD, on average –11,43±0,892 (p <0,05), PSD on average 10,25±0,843 (p <0.05). Hemodynamically significant asymmetry of blood flow: internal carotid artery — in 9 patients, common carotid artery — in 7, external carotid artery — in 5 patients according to data of Doppler ultrasound.Conclusion. Hemodynamically significant changes in the main vessels of the brachiocephalic trunk and the body trigger the development of ocular ischemic syndrome in these patients after antiglaucomes surgery. Considering the above, comprehensive examination of patients, including Doppler main vessels brachiocephalic trunk and eyes should be conducted before penetrating operations cause changes in perfusion pressure of the optic nerve.It helps to diagnose and provide therapy OIS.