Геохімія техногенезу (Dec 2021)


  • Y. Zabulonov,
  • O. Puhach,
  • Yu. Kyseliov,
  • L. Odukalec,
  • V. Burtniak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 33
pp. 94 – 99


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Oil and its distillation products play an important role in human life. In the process of distilling oil, we get important products for the life of a modern person. It is hard for a person to live without gasoline, diesel fuel, lubricants and polymeric materials. The chemical industry is also heavily dependent on oil. Oil production makes a significant contribution to the economy and at the same time causes significant damage to the habitat of humans and animals. Nowadays the oil production process may cause oil spills into the upper soil layers and water bodies. Also, the likelihood of accidents during the production, transportation and distillation of oil is not excluded. Most accidents occur due to corrosion of pipes, which are not always inspected and replaced in due time. Each pipeline has its own service life, oil companies are required to monitor the condition of pipes, valves, etc. It is necessary to create special commissions to control the transportation routes. It is always better to prevent an accident than to clean up the spill and clean the environment from pollution products. Unfortunately, the leaders of large oil corporations do not want to replace pipelines in time, trying to save some material resources. As a result, animals, birds and inhabitants of reservoirs die. Not only adult representatives of the animal world can die, but their embryos, they are very sensitive even to a small amount of oil and its products. Animals listed in the Red Book are dying. Every year more and more representatives of flora and fauna suffer from human mistakes. Some species are on the verge of extinction. A man in pursuit of technological progress ruins his habitat. A large number of oil fields are located at the bottom of reservoirs, as a result, we have oil spills during production at the bottom and surface of the reservoir. The effect of these processes on fish is almost always lethal. Birds, during migration, are also exposed to the detrimental effects of oil spills. Oil contaminates their feathers and enters the respiratory tract. As a result, contaminated feathers do not allow to continue the flight.
