Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia (Jul 2023)

Genetic parameters and association between longevity and milk production in buffaloes using the ssGBLUP method

  • Isabella Silva de Carvalho,
  • Sirlene Fernandes Lázaro,
  • Gabriela Stefani,
  • Alessandra Alves Silva,
  • Karina Rosa da Silveira,
  • Daiane Cristina Becker Scalez,
  • Humberto Tonhati

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 52


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ABSTRACT The objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic parameters for the traits longevity (LG) and accumulated milk yield at 305 days (MY305) using a bitrait animal model and the single-step GBLUP method and estimate the genetic gain for LG through direct and indirect selection for MY305. We used 4,057 records of first lactations of Murrah dairy buffaloes, collected between 1987 and 2020, belonging to six Brazilian herds located in the states Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, and São Paulo and 960 animals genotyped using the 90K Axiom Buffalo Genotyping (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Santa Clara, CA) to estimate the genetic parameters. The heritability estimate was 0.25 for MY305 and 0.13 for LG. The genetic gain for LG was 0.13 months under direct selection, and 0.14 months under indirect selection, which results in a relative selection efficiency of 11% under selection for MY305 compared with the direct selection. The genetic correlation between the two traits was 0.77, indicating that animals with genetic potential for high MY305 tend to live longer. The genetic trends for MY305 and LG were 0.22 kg/year and 5.20 days/year, respectively, indicating a positive response, which reaffirms its relationship with the high genetic correlation between the two traits.
