Journal of Rehabilitation (Oct 2004)

Review: Speech Rehabilitation in Post Cleft Lip and Palate Reconstruction

  • Hashem Shemshadi,
  • Nasser Rezaei

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 3
pp. 55 – 59


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Due to the mental and physical impairments in family and neonates born with cleft lip and palate, basic understandings of pre, intra and post- operative measures in such patients are considered to be highly crucial. In post- operative period, patients as well as their relatives, need to be informed about the scope and the different dimentions of the problem. A thorough evaluation within a specialised team is necessary. The specialised team is consisted of speech pathologist, reconstructive surgeon, dentist, craniofacial surgeon, pediatrist, and etc. In addition, basic health check and speech rehabilitation must be conducted, as soon as possible. Furthermore, velopharyngeal movements, tonsils, uvula, palatopharyngeal walls with relation to the nasopharynx area also need to be assessed. A precise therapeutic program is essential in this matter. Evaluation of both clinical and paraclinical as well as speech therapy within six weeks, six month and twelve months post- surgery is needed. Any success or failure should be identified and discussed within the specilised team for further different speech therapy actions. Either prosthesis or re- operation might be recommended if the team reaches to an agreement after the proper assessment.
