Salud Pública de México (Jan 2003)
Factores de riesgo y secuelas reproductivas asociados a la infección por Chlamydia trachomatis en mujeres infértiles Risk factors and reproductive sequelae associated with Chlamydia trachomatis infection in infertile women
OBJETIVO: Comparar la información clínica y el estilo de vida sexual en dos grupos de mujeres con y sin infección por Chlamydia trachomatis que asisten a la clínica de infertilidad del Instituto Nacional de Perinatología, de la Ciudad de México. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: De febrero a noviembre de 1998, se realizó un estudio prospectivo en pacientes con diagnóstico de infertilidad. En el estudio se incluyó a pacientes con diagnóstico de infertilidad, tratados en el Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia, de la Ciudad de México, durante 1988. Las muestras endocervicales de 309 mujeres, que incluyeron a 77 con infección y a 232 sin infección, fueron examinadas para Chlamydia trachomatis, usando inmunofluorescencia directa. Los cultivos vaginales fueron obtenidos antes de iniciar el tratamiento. También se investigó la presencia de otros agentes infecciosos de transmisión sexual y la información demográfica, de conducta sexual, histórica y clínica fue recopilada de cada paciente. Los datos clínicos y ginecológicos de ambos grupos fueron comparados por ji2. La magnitud de las asociaciones fueron establecidas por razón de momios en análisis bivariados. Se realizó un análisis de regresión logística para establecer los efectos confusores en relación con los factores analizados. Las diferencias fueron consideradas estadísticamente significativas si pOBJECTIVE: To assess the clinical and sexual lifestyle characteristics associated with Chlamydia trachomatis infection among women diagnosed with infertility. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Study subjects were women with an infertility diagnosis attending the infertility clinic at the National Institute of Perinatology. Endocervical specimens from 309 women were examined for Chlamydia trachomatis using the direct immunofluorescence method. Vaginal culture samples were taken before initiating treatment. The presence of other sexually-transmitted infections was also assessed. Demographic, sexual behavioral, historical, and clinical data were collected for each subject. RESULTS: Seventy-seven women (24.9%) were infected with C trachomatis. Of these women, 70 (90.9%) had only one sexual partner, 58 (75.3%) were married, and 19 (24.7%) were single or had a common-law sex partner. Intrauterine device (IUD) was the main contraceptive method used in 15 women (19.5%). A co-infection with other sexually-transmitted microorganisms was detected in 41 of these patients (53.2%). Nineteen (24.7%) women had undergone tubal ligation. Among women with C trachomatis infection, reproductive sequelae were found: 24 (31.2%) women had had abortions and 50 (64.9%) had had a miscarriage. In 26 women cervical abnormalities were detected (33.8%); 50 (64.9%) had purulent vaginal discharge and 14 (18.1%) had pelvic pain. Bivariate analysis revealed that the risk factors for C trachomatis infection in women with infertility were: having a sex partner (OR=2.96, 95% CI 1.22-7.5, p=0.008), common-law union (OR=3.68, p=0.03), and IUD use (OR=2.42, p=0.01). CONCLUSIONS: A consistent relationship between C trachomatis infection and infertility was found. Infection with C trachomatis in women with infertility was associated with having one single sexual partner, marital status, and IUD use. The presence of ectropion and friability of the cervix may signal C trachomatis infection. Identification and presumptive therapy should be evaluated as measures to prevent and control C trachomatis infection in patients at risk.