Научный журнал Российского НИИ проблем мелиорации (May 2020)
Purpose: to identify the influence of weather factors on yield and protein content in spring barley grain under the conditions of Priazov zone of Rostov region. Materials and methods: the research was carried out in Aksay district Rostov region on the experimental field of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Rostov Agrarian Scientific Center”. The object of research is productivity and protein content in spring barley grain cultivated in the crop rotation peas – winter wheat – spring barley. The trial establishment, inventory and mathematical processing of the obtained data were carried out according to the methodology of the field experiment by B. A. Dospekhov. The determination of the hydrothermal coefficient was carried out according to the method by G. T. Selyaninov. Results. As a result of the studies, a strong positive relationship between the value of the obtained yield and fertilizer application was found. The correlation coefficient for years of research ranged from 0.70 to 0.88. It has been found that, regardless of the moisture supply, spring barley seeding form the highest yield when full fertilizer N30P60K150 is applied. The maximum protein content in the grain of the studied culture in hyperarid years was formed with the application of N30P60 (averaging 13.4 %), in dry years in variety N30 (11.9 %), and in slightly arid years with the application of P60 (11.4 %). The correlation and regression analysis showed the presence of an average and strong negative relationship between the hydrothermal coefficient, the total precipitation during the growing season and the protein content in barley grain. Conclusions: under the conditions of Priazov zone of Rostov region, the application of fertilizers helps to reduce the negative effect of the hydrothermal conditions of the growing season, which is especially important in years with insufficient rainfall and high air temperature and to ensure the formation of the maximum possible yield under the given conditions. To obtain stable yields of spring barley, it is necessary to apply full mineral fertilizer in a dose of N30P60K150.