Indian Journal of Ophthalmology (Jan 2015)
A case of subretinal tubercular abscess presenting as disc edema
- Sachin Bermu Shetty,
- Mohammad Abdullah Bawtag,
- Jyotirmay Biswas
- Sachin Bermu Shetty
- Mohammad Abdullah Bawtag
- Jyotirmay Biswas
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 63,
no. 2
pp. 164 – 166
We report a case of ocular tuberculosis (TB) which initially presented with disc edema and was mistaken for optic neuritis. With no definite pathology being identified, the patient was treated on the lines of optic neuritis with intravenous (IV) steroid with beneficial effect. Ocular TB was suspected when he presented later with a subretinal abscess. Based on positive Mantoux, QuantiFERON TB gold results and radiographic findings, a diagnosis of subretinal abscess of presumed tubercular etiology was made. The patient was successfully treated with anti-tubercular therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of ocular TB presenting as disc edema followed by subretinal abscess.
- Ciliary body
- choroid
- eye
- iris
- melanoma
- metastasis
- prognosis
- tumor
- uvea
- Chemotherapy
- intravitreal chemotherapy
- intra-arterial chemotherapy
- intravenous chemotherapy
- periocular chemotherapy
- retinoblastoma
- Subtenon′s chemotherapy
- treatment
- Autoflouroscence
- enhanced depth imaging
- eye
- gene expression profiling
- malignancy
- metastasis
- monosomy 3
- nevus
- optical coherence tomography
- tumor
- uveal melanoma
- Choroid
- enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography
- hemangioma
- lymphoma
- melanocytosis
- melanoma
- metastasis
- nevus
- osteoma
- tumor
- Choroid
- Eye
- metastases
- metastasis
- tumor
- uvea
- Astrocytic hamartoma
- enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography
- hemangioblastoma
- retina
- retinoblastoma
- tumor
- Cavernous hemangioma
- choroidal hemangioma
- retinal capillary hemangioma
- retinal vasoproliferative tumor
- Chemotherapy
- intravitreal chemotherapy
- retina
- retinoblastoma
- vitreous seeds
- Achromatic perimetry
- chromatic perimetry
- diabetes
- glaucoma
- konio
- magno
- parvo
- Permit
- seller
- sunglasses
- ultraviolet radiation
- Ectasia
- keratoconus
- photorefractive keratectomy
- SD - OCT
- FA
- Anti-tubercular therapy
- disc edema
- ocular tuberculosis
- subretinal tubercular abscess