臺灣教育社會學研究 (Dec 2008)
新聞論述中的「去體罰」與「好老師」― 1952∼2005年聯合新聞資料庫內的規訓意象 Elimination of Corporal Punishment and Good Teacher in News Discourse: The Image of Discipline in UDN News Database Between 1952-2005
本研究的主要目的,在於反思「體罰」如何在社會文化中逐漸成為問題,並以此對教師角色(主體)進行塑造。透過Foucault的理論觀點, 本研究利用聯合新聞資料庫, 回溯1952~2005年相關「體罰」的新聞事件,透過文本論述的比較,辨析出三種不連續的體罰論述,包括1950~1960年間維護民主國家形象的體罰論述、1960~1990年間追求理性的體罰論述、1990~2005年間追求合法懲戒的體罰論述。透過新聞事件的再現,其論述對「體罰」意義的想像,同時也是型塑紀律行動者(好老師)的自我認同。不過,「去體罰」不等於「去懲罰」,學校內的管束與規範手段逐漸轉向細緻,而大眾媒體在社會角色之規訓上,則成為中介的監控機構。 This study aims at introspecting how corporal punishment gradually becomes a problem in our society, and further shaping the role of teachers, that is, the subject, by means of the results of the introspection. Through Foucault’s theoretical viewpoints, this investigation used UDN news database to recall the news events relevant to corporal punishment between 1952-2005. By reviewing and comparing texts, I found three types of discourse on corporal punishment: the discourse maintaining the image of a democratic country between 1950-1960, the one pursuing rationality between 1960-1990, and the one seeking legitimate punishment between 1990-2005. Through the representation of press, the discourses not only implement the imagination toward the meaning of corporal punishment but also shape the self-identity of the actor, that is, teacher. However, the elimination of corporal punishment is not equivalent to the elimination of punishment. The means of control and standardization in the school progressively become detailed, and the mass media become intermediary monitoring organizations in terms of social role discipline.