Humanika: Kajian Ilmiah Mata Kuliah Umum (Oct 2023)

Assessment as, for, of learning pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam tingkat menengah atas

  • Amalia Nurlitasari,
  • Tasman Hamami

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 2
pp. 225 – 234


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Tujuan penelitian ini guna mengetahui konsep dan bentuk pengembangan asesmen Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) dari ketiga pendekatan penilaian di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Metode penelitian berupa penelitian kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Asseissmeint of Leiarning (AoL) disebut sebagai penilaian sumatif yang berbentuk penilaian tengah semester, penilaian akhir semester, dan ujian sekolah. Materi PAI di tingkat menengah atas yaitu Alquran, aqidah, akhlaq, fiqh/ibadah, dan Tarikh. AfL disebut penilaian psikomotor yang berorientasi pada kemampuan mempraktekkan ajaran agama seperti praktek haji, praktek menghitung zakat, praktek mengurus jenazah, hingga praktek menghitung harta waris sholat. Asseissmeint as Leiarning (AaL), terletak pada cara penilaian yang mana peserta didik ikut berpartisipasi dalam penilaian mulai dari prosedur, kriteria, hingga pembuatan pedoman atau rubrik seperti Self Assessment (Penilaian Diri), Peer Assessment (Penilaian Antar Teman). AaL bergerak di ranah afektif dalam pembelajaran PAI yang berkaitan dengan sikap, bakat, minat, nilai-nilai serta penghargaan. The purpose of this study is to determine the concept and form of development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) assessment from the three assessment approaches in Senior High School (SMA). The research method is library research. The results showed that the assessment of Learning (AoL) is referred to as summative assessment in the form of mid-semester assessment, end-of-semester assessment, and school exams. PAI materials at the upper secondary level are the Qur'an, aqidah, akhlaq, fiqh/worship, and Tarikh. AfL is called psychomotor assessment which is oriented towards the ability to practice religious teachings such as the practice of Hajj, the practice of calculating zakat, the practice of taking care of the dead, and the practice of calculating the inheritance of prayer. Assessment as Learning (AaL), lies in the way of assessment in which learners participate in the assessment starting from procedures, criteria, to making guidelines or rubrics such as Self-Assessment, Peer Assessment. AaL moves in the affective domain in PAI learning related to attitudes, talents, interests, values and appreciation.
