Incursiuni în imaginar (Dec 2020)
O hartă posibilă: de la spațiul real la cel ficțional. Cazul romanului rebrenian (A possible map: from real to fictional space. The case of Rebreanu’s Novels)
This article provides an alternative to the observation and analysis of Rebreanu’s fiction with the extension of conclusions to the configuration of South-East Europe literature, using the map as a parallel world. The development of the novel in the Romanian culture, at the beginning of the 20th century, prompted by the sociopolitical circumstances, occurred by a constant relation to the European cultural space and to a native mental spatial model, thus leading to a unique narrative experience. The actual necessity of this type of research is suggested by the contemporary experience; the contemporary man is at risk of losing the essential points of reference as a cultural, social, political being, and even the idea of belonging to humanity, while the mapping of a national literary space, by closely following an algorithm imposed from the very beginning, becomes a compass in the process of literary/ cultural/ mindset paradigm redefinition. We discuss the real map transposed in a fictional text, namely Rebreanu’s novel „Forest of the Hanged”.