الأستاذ (Jun 2024)

A linguistic Perspective of Syndeton , Asyndeton and Polysyndetonin Mark Twain’s Literary Works

  • nadya khairy Muhamed,
  • Asaad Qahtan Al-Janabi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 63, no. 2


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In this paper , aspects of syndetic coordinations , asyndetic coordinations , and polysyndeton have been investigated in Mark Twain literary works : A Short story entitled ‘A dog’s Tale ‘(1904) , and a short novel which is A Horse’s Tale (1907). The present paper tackles these aspects in order to show whether they are extensively utilized in the literary works of Mark Twain and the reasons behind their utilizations . Results of the analysis show that polysyndeton is everywhere in these works i.e., in A dog’s tale and A horse’s tale . Polysyndeton is the most oft-used way of constructing a sentence with multiple clauses, and it works well because it aids clarity . Or writers might use them to create a sense of overwhelm . In this case the pace would be moderated as the reader is pulled into the mire of the narrative. The speaker utilizes and to link items in series, rather than split them up with commas( asyndetic coordinations). In doing so, every one of the items is emphasized individually.
