S&F_scienzaefilosofia.it (Jun 2020)
Eva futura tra corpi artificiali e corpi naturali. Tecnologia della liberazione o dell’assoggettamento?
The Future Eve between artificial bodies and natural bodies: Liberation Technology or Subjection? In the last thirty years the problematic relationship between body and machine has frequently been declined in the feminine, keeping the woman at the center, her specificity, her aesthetic characteristics, her reproductive capacity. This attempt of the overcoming the patriarchal symbolic order has increasingly confronted, on the one hand, with the need for a reorganization of knowledge – therefore, in an epistemological key, a specific attention to a demystification of the role of Science and Technology, going beyond nature and culture, and, on the other hand, with a need to deepen the devices of reification of female body. The dossier of the n. 23/2020 of S&F_ intends to examine this problematization by crossing a series of issues: the relationship between reproductive work and support technologies, the role of motherhood, where requests for technical and manipulative intervention and requests for new naturalization increasingly cross, the problem of medicalization and normalization and the production of docile subjects and populations, the central role of neoliberal reproductive technologies as the basis for an exploitative and patriarchal economics.