Біологічні студії (Apr 2013)
Bryoflora of coal dumps of Lviv-Volynian mining region
The annotated checklist of the bryobionta of the coal dumps for Lviv-Volynian mining region has been compiled for the first time. In total 71 species were recorded. According to taxonomical structures they belong to 46 genera, 25 families, 9 orders, 4 classes and 2 divisions. The representatives of Bryophyta (66 species) are prevail and only 5 species are numbered among Marchantiophyta division. The spontaneous plant communities of the coal dumps of mines „Nadiya” (43),„Vizejs’ka” (40) and „№ 9 Novovolyns’ka” (25 species) have the most rich species composition. The hftterns of the leading families and genera in studied territory correspond to synanthropic variant of ecologo-topological bryoflora of the Palearctic forest flat area with quantitative advantage boreal, nemoral and leading cenotic part of cosmopolitan species. The family Brachytheciaceae take the first place by quantity species (13) typical for most of technogenous biotopes. Among the bryobionta of the coal dumps, the high frequency of the occurrence (IV–V classes of the constancy) and dominant part differ terrestrial xeromesophilous heliophytes that are notable for the ashes, dry pine forest, sandy dunes and outputs silicate rocks.