Energy Geoscience (Apr 2023)
Numerical simulation and response analysis of microspherical focused logging in inclined micro-fractured formation
Tight and unconventional reservoirs have become the focus with the progress of petroleum exploration and development. Micro-fractures in these reservoirs can effectively improve reservoir permeability, and well-developed micro-fractures can serve to directly improve productivity. Compared with the centered electrical well logging method, the Micro Spherical Focused Logging (MSFL) is more suitable for micro-fracture identification due to its high resolution and near borehole wall measuring method. In this study, an anisotropic model is used to depict micro-fractured formation. First, a forward model with micro-fractured formation, borehole, logging instrument and surrounding rock is established. Subsequently, MSFL responses under different micro-fracture porosity, resistivity, dip angle and borehole radius, are calculated based on the finite element method (FEM). Finally, the MSFL responses under different micro-fracture parameters are analyzed with the response laws clarified.