Postscriptum Polonistyczne (Sep 2020)

Karykaturalne pogranicze. „Poniemiecja” w tekstach Ziemowita Szczerka

  • Kamila Gieba

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 1


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The paper discusses the representation of the so-called Regained Territories in reportage and novels by Ziemowit Szczerek. The aim of the paper is to identify the ways of creating a caricatural imaginary geography of the Polish-German borderlands which Szczerek calls “Poniemiecja” [“Post-German lands”]. An analysis of the source material made it possible to determine the functions of the borderlands theme in Szczerek’s works (demythologisation, deheroisation, confrontation). The paper also presents strategies of revising the pioneer myth of the so-called Regained Territories and of representing the Polish-German relations in Szczerek’s works of fiction and non-fiction.
