NURE Investigación (Nov 2007)

Effect of Sims modified position over the rotation and foetus progress down on women on their first birth with epidural anaesthesia

  • Rosa María Rodríguez Ferrer,
  • Gema Magdaleno del Rey,
  • Belén Feijóo Iglesias,
  • Rosa Ana Martín de Vega,
  • Ana María Ruiz Rey

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 31


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The use of epidural anaesthesia during birth process has made that both second stage of labour time and foetus expulsion time has increased. This has made that we will look for another position to favour the foetus progress down the birth canal so that time of the second stage of labour will decrease.The most usual positions on our country are the Sims and Semi-fowler ones, and the obstetric position, which is generally used when foetus is in III or IV level and birth is going to take place.After the hospital redesigning, our hospital bought some new articled beds which may be transformed into birthing bed, and some of the midwives that work there started to use this Sims position with the modification that this kind of bed permit, consisting on lifting one of the women legs. Woman is collocated lying on her side with one of her legs parallel to the other, but one of them is lift, avoiding the forced knees separation, being the woman firm and secure during all second stage of labour and expulsion period, using the squatting bar to help her when pushing. Therefore, an experimental study has being designed in order to know whether Sims modified position reduce the second stage of labour time, and also to know if this position favours the foetus rotation and progress down the birth canal.Women will be randomly divided into two groups, the control group and the experimental group.
