Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Крыма (Dec 2017)
К 60-летию известного российского историка С. С. Казарова / On the 60th Anniversary of the well-known Russian Historian S. S. Kazarov
The note is devoted to highlighting the scientific achievements and personal qualities of the anniversarian, the historian from Rostov-on-Don Sarkis S. Kazarov. There the main stages of his research activity and University professor’ career are analyzed. The main sphere if his interest — the history of ancient Epirus of Classical and early Hellenistic times, the important its result — the post-Doctoral diss. and his book “History of Pyrrhus, King of Epirus” (Saint Petersburg, 2009, in Russian). The second field where S. S. Kazarov is well-known specialist — the history of Armenian community in the Lower Don Basin (first of all — the New Nakhichevan city, now the eastern part of Rostov-on-Don) in the late 18th — 20th cc. He is the author of two books on the local Armenian Church and on the Imperial time Armenian merchants of Nakhichevan. In addition, the historian pay attention to the development of his Alma Mater — the former Warsaw University in 1915 moved to Rostov-on-Don.