Results in Physics (Nov 2022)
Reconfigurable all-dielectric metasurface based on GSST
Reconfigurable metasurfaces provide a new way for applications requiring dynamic tunability, such as focusing lenses, holographic displays, optical switch and so on. In this paper, a reconfigurable bi-functional metasurface is proposed. Using phase-change material Ge2Sb2Se4Te1(GSST) as pattern layer, calcium fluoride as substrate, the metasurface can be switched from highly transmission (90 %) mode to perfect absorption (99 %) mode in the 1.55 μm wavelength region, when the GSST layer is transformed from the amorphous to crystalline state. And the response of this metasurface is independent of the polarization of incident wave. Our novel design has potential significance in the design of infrared switching devices in the future.