РМЖ. Мать и дитя (May 2023)

Сourse patterns of postnatal cytomegalovirus infection in full-term infants. Cases in clinical practice

  • A.S. Panchenko,
  • E.V. Bem,
  • G.N. Chumakova,
  • I.V. Myznikova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 2


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A.S. Panchenko, E.V. Bem, G.N. Chumakova, I.V. Myznikova St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation Cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) is the most common viral infection in childhood. Congenital CMVI is quite well studied, always causes alertness of neonatologists, and has a diverse clinical picture after the birth of a child. Certain difficulties in diagnosis are noted in children who have postnatal CMVI. As a rule, the infection is asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic and has no special serious clinical consequences, unlike congenital CMVI, which causes hearing loss and central nervous system damage. It is known that postnatal infection is dangerous for children with impaired immune system. This risk group consists of preterm infants, mainly with very low and extremely low body weight, and full-term infants with severe concomitant congenital and/or acquired pathology. The question of infecting ways for children with postnatal CMVI remains debatable. The article also discusses the various clinical manifestations of postnatal CMVI, which can occur according to the type of CMV-related sepsis-like syndrome, hepatitis, diarrhea, neutropenia. The article highlights the importance of clear laboratory diagnostic criteria during establishing the diagnosis. There are always a lot of questions from the doctor regarding the prescription of specific treatment in CMVI and prevention methods of postnatal CMVI in full-term infants. This article also presents clinical case of postnatal CMVI in full-term infants with combined pathology receiving treatment in the conditions of the Perinatal center of St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Keywords: postnatal cytomegalovirus infection, cytomegalovirus hepatitis, hearing loss, diagnosis, treatment, breast milk, neonates. For citation: Panchenko A.S., Bem E.V., Chumakova G.N., Myznikova I.V. Сourse patterns of postnatal cytomegalovirus infection in full-term infants. Cases in clinical practice. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2023;6(2):206–214 (in Russ.). DOI: 10.32364/2618-8430-2023-6-2-206-214.