Revista Brasileira de Reumatologia (Aug 2005)
Hipoparatireoidismo primário manifestando-se com aumento de enzimas musculares Primary hypoparathyreoidism with raised muscle enzymes
Os autores relatam o caso de um jovem de 18 anos de idade com fraqueza muscular generalizada, cãibras e crises convulsivas, tratado com corticosteróides por oito anos em decorrência de um diagnóstico de polimiosite, sem melhora clínica. Ao exame físico apresentava força muscular normal, ausência de atrofias musculares, diminuição de reflexos tendíneos profundos e presença do sinal de Chvostek e Trousseau. A hipótese diagnóstica inicial foi de miopatia metabólica e a investigação laboratorial revelou cálcio sérico e urinário diminuídos e dosagem de paratormônio (PTH) indetectável. O diagnóstico final foi de hipoparatireoidismo, tendo sido o paciente tratado com cálcio endovenoso. A tomografia de crânio demonstrou calcificações difusas, características da síndrome de Fahr. O paciente recebeu alta assintomático com carbonato de cálcio e colecalciferol.The authors report a case of an 18-year-old boy using prednisone for eight years for a misdiagnosis of polymyositis. His complains were diffuse weakness, cramps and seizures, with progressive worsening and with no improvement despite treatment with corticosteroid. On admission, the physical examination didn't show muscular weakness or atrophy. Deep tendom reflexes were absent and Chvostek and Trousseau signs were found. The diagnosis of a metabolic myopathy was considered and further laboratory findings revealed a low serum and urinary calcium, undetectable PTH. The diagnosis of hypoparathyreoidism was made and the patient was treated with endovenous calcium. Cranial tomography revealed diffuse calcifications, suggestive of Fahr's syndrome. The patient recovered completely and was discharged with oral calcium carbonate and colecalciferol.