MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2016)

Golf cart prototype development and navigation simulation using ROS and Gazebo

  • Shimchik Ilya,
  • Sagitov Artur,
  • Afanasyev Ilya,
  • Matsuno Fumitoshi,
  • Magid Evgeni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 75
p. 09005


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This paper presents our approach to development of an autonomous golf cart, which will navigate in inaccessible by regular vehicles private areas. For this purpose, we have built a virtual golf course terrain and golf cart model in Gazebo, selected and modernized ROS-based packages in order to use them with Ackermann steering vehicle simulation. To verify our simulation and algorithms, we navigated the golf cart model from one golf hole to another within a virtual 3D golf course. For the real world algorithms’ verification, we developed a small-size vehicle prototype based on Traxxas radio-controlled car model, which is equipped with an on-board controller and sensors. The autonomous navigation of Traxxas-based vehicle prototype has been tested in indoor environment, where it utilized sensory data about environment and vehicle states, and performed localization, optimal trajectory computation and dynamic obstacles’ recognition with adjusting the route in real time.