RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries (Dec 2015)
Assessment of natural moisture of the Moscow region
The results of studies on the natural heat-moisture Moscow region. The estimation of moisture indicators obtained by calculation methods proposed N.N. Ivanovym, GT Selyaninov M.I. Budyko and DI Checkers. It was found that the methods and N.N. Ivanova D.I. Shashko factors dampening allows set- heat-moisture content in the whole year, and during the warm period. Radiation balance by “index dry” heat-moisture content can be determined for the whole year, and according to the method G.T. Selyaninova - only for the warm growing season. In this favorable natural hydration is achieved while ensuring performance moisture of 75%, with lower rates of ensuring the moisture conditions are created to waterlogging, and at high rates are deficient in moisture. Moisture deficit, resulting from the difference between precipitation and evaporation occurs at security 80% per year and 35% during the warm period.