Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія (Dec 2018)
The article presents one of the ways to increase the efficiency of diesel engines, which is the addition of hydrogen into the main diesel fuel. For the purpose of conducting experimental researches of the fuel injection process of a diesel ICE, which works with the addition of small impurities of hydrogen, a platform was developed on the basis of the D65 diesel fuel system. The three-phase electric engine with a power of 1.5 kW was applied as a drive of a standard high-pressure fuel pump. Investigations by indirect methods were conducted to obtain additional characteristics of the influence of the application of the addition of small impurities of hydrogen to the main fuel on the characteristics of the injection and the operation of the fuel equipment in general. The vibroacoustic study was conducted to investigate the effect of adding small impurities of hydrogen into the main fuel on the characteristics of the diesel equipment of engine. Robotron RFT 00024 was applied to carry out the research. According to the results of the obtained data, it is evident that, depending on the presence of the hydrogen impurities, the acoustic parameters of the fuel equipment are almost unchanged in the wide range of pressure of the supply of hydrogen impurity. For optical research, it is suggested to apply high-speed video shooting, since one frame (photo-shot) carries much less information about the process of sawing than a series of shots (video). The video filtration of the fuel-hydrogen mixture was carried out using the Xiaomi Yi 4K Action Camera, with a refresh rate of 120 fps in 4K mode. The methods applied to find objects of interest are called segmentation methods – the division of the image into the foreground and the background. Segmentation allows to select areas of the image that appear to the observer homogeneous; this operation provides a split image in the same area. When a fuel jet is evenly filled with droplets, it will be depicted in an image in approximately one shade or vice versa. The application of small impurities of hydrogen into the main fuel improves the quality of the impurities’ formation due to the fuel shredding, which leads to a reduction in the specific fuel consumption of the engine