eJournal of Oral Maxillofacial Research (Jun 2022)
Comparison of Classifications and Indexes for Extraction Socket and Implant Supported Restoration in the Aesthetic Zone: a Systematic Review
Objectives: The primary objective of the present systematic review is to test the hypothesis - the revision of the complexity of the extraction sockets morphology classifications will reveal the most important parameters for implant aesthetic and functional success in case of immediate dental implant placement in aesthetic zone. The secondary objective is to revise the most important parameters of aesthetic indexes created for implant-supported restoration in aesthetic zone. Material and Methods: MEDLINE (PubMed) and Cochrane Library search in combination with hand-search of relevant journals was conducted including human studies published in English between 1 January 2005 and 1 February 2022. After evaluation of the titles and abstracts in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines, risk-of-bias assessment was evaluated and data was extracted from the full papers. Results: Electronic and hand searching resulted in 477 entries. Five systematic reviews, research syntheses and 7 prospective studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the final data synthesis. Selected articles reported the different classifications complexity of the extraction sockets morphology and aesthetic indexes for implant supported restoration in aesthetic zone. Conclusions: The most important parameters for implant aesthetics and functional success, incorporated in classifications of extraction sockets are facial soft tissue level and quality, gingival biotype, keratinized gingival, mesial and distal papillae appearance, buccal bone level and thickness, labial and buccal bone plates damage and bone lesions. The most important aesthetic indexes parameters are soft tissue contour position, including colour and texture, interdental papilla, mesial and distal interproximal bone height, gingival biotype.