مجلة كلية التربية للبنات (Feb 2019)

The poetry attributed to The Islamic orthodox caliphs

  • الدكتور خلیل محمد إبراھیم

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1


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The Islamic orthodox caliphs had a great importance in the history of Arabs in particular, and of Muslims in general. Some attributed poetry to them. This issue to see whether such an attribution is correct or not. This research tried to deal objectively with this poetry .it discussed the topic, exploring the scholars’ opinions about poetry attributed to the Islamic orthodox Caliphs, stating their dispute : some of them agreed while others rejected the attribution. The research adopted the opinon that had rejected for reasons stated in the research, of them: the weakness of poetry and its dealing with unimportant things, for example, the caliph Omar composed verses about a new garment worn by him. Is it reasonable that wearing a new garment made him compose poetry, while his youth or the pagans who hurt the Prophet Mohammed in Mecca and Medina or the Prophets death did make Omar compose poetry? When it was clarified that Omar and Ottman had not poetry, I studied the poetical texts ascribed to Abu Bakir and Ali with an internal study. The study denied what they had said as poetry, then I studied the events of reality to negate that the Islamic orthodox caliphs were poets and that is not a stain in their lives because verse composing does not add anything to them and non-verse composing does not abate their high place for God and people.