Applied Sciences (May 2024)
The Fault Diagnosis of a Plunger Pump Based on the SMOTE + Tomek Link and Dual-Channel Feature Fusion
Mechanical condition monitoring data in real engineering are often severely unbalanced, which can lead to a decrease in the stability and accuracy of intelligent diagnosis methods. In this paper, a fault diagnosis method based on the SMOTE + Tomek Link and dual-channel feature fusion is proposed to improve the performance of the sample imbalance fault diagnosis method, taking the piston pump of a turnout rutting machine as the research object. Combining the data undersampling method and the oversampling method to redistribute the collected normal data and fault data makes the diagnostic model have better diagnostic performance in the case of insufficient fault samples. And, in order to fully utilize the global features and local features, a global–local feature complementary module (GLFC) is proposed. Firstly, the generated data similar to the original data are constructed using the SMOTE + Tomek Link method; secondly, the generated data are input into a GLFC module and BiGRU at the same time, the GLFC module extracts the spatial global features and local features of the original vibration data, and BiGRU extracts the temporal information features of the original vibration data, and fuses the extracted feature information, and inputs the fused features into the attention layer; finally, a GLFC module is proposed by the SMOTE + Tomek Link method to make full use of the global features and local features. The extracted feature information is fused, and the fused features are input to the attention layer; finally, the fault classification is completed by the softmax classifier. In this paper, the accuracy and robustness of the proposed model are demonstrated through experiments.