Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal (Jul 2018)
“Stop, Brother, the Land Belongs to God!” Praxis: Transformations of Liberationist Christianity in Chicomuselo, Chiapas
This essay examines the particularities of the organization of Base Church Communities in the municipality of Chicomuselo for the defense of the territory. This organization derives from theology of liberation, which can now be conceptualized as “libertarian Christianity,” considering the hermeneutic transformations of the praxis and its objectives in recent years. Based on Enrique Dussel, this paper analyzes the displacement of a revolutionary praxis sustained on social sciences by a communitarian praxis that breaks away from a monological discourse, as well as the transformation of an anthropocentric theology into another one based on the concept of the Mother Earth. It also discusses to what extent these changes allow us to speak of a process of autonomic construction.