Revista de Istorie și Teorie Literară (Dec 2024)

Corespondența intimă ca loc al memoriei colective. Posturi & comerț de imagine în textele epistolare ale scriitorilor români din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea

  • Smărăndița-Elena Costin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18
pp. 168 – 182


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The efflorescence of confessional genres during the latter half of the nineteenth century heralded the emergence of a novel paradigm of human existence. Set against the backdrop of a newfound appreciation for the solace of intimacy, the epistolary writers of this epoch meticulously sculpt a myriad of personas within their confessional compositions, revealing them, to varying extents, within the public domain. The establishment of rituals in­tertwined with the art of epistolary correspondence, alongside a burgeoning appetite for man­ifold expressions of intimate experience, elevates these letter writers to the status of quintes­sential representatives of the emblematic conventionalism of the Carol I era. As individuals of their century, Odobescu, Hasdeu, Eminescu, Caragiale, Maiorescu, and Zamfirescu adhere to the conventions of the society in which they navigate their existence. However, for some among them, the act of letter writing does not emanate from the distinctive type of spirituality that characterizes their essence. Nevertheless, it is unequivocal that for the denizens of the Carol I era, the epistolary art is woven into the very fabric of their being.
