Journal of High Energy Physics (Jan 2022)
Non-expanding horizons: multipoles and the symmetry group
Abstract It is well-known that blackhole and cosmological horizons in equilibrium situations are well-modeled by non expanding horizons (NEHs) [1–3]. In the first part of the paper we introduce multipole moments to characterize their geometry, removing the restriction to axisymmetric situations made in the existing literature [4]. We then show that the symmetry group G $$ \mathfrak{G} $$ of NEHs is a 1-dimensional extension of the BMS group B $$ \mathfrak{B} $$ . These symmetries are used in a companion paper [5] to define charges and fluxes on NEHs, as well as perturbed NEHs. They have physically attractive properties. Finally, it is generally not appreciated that I $$ \mathcal{I} $$ ± of asymptotically flat space-times are NEHs in the conformally completed space-time. Forthcoming papers will (i) show that I $$ \mathcal{I} $$ ± have a small additional structure that reduces G $$ \mathfrak{G} $$ to the BMS group B $$ \mathfrak{B} $$ , and the BMS charges and fluxes can be recovered from the NEH framework; and, (ii) develop gravitational wave tomography for the late stage of compact binary coalescences: reading-off the dynamics of perturbed NEHs in the strong field regime (via evolution of their multipoles), from the waveform at I $$ \mathcal{I} $$ +.