Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta: Seria Matematica (Jul 2017)
An Operator Extension of Čebyšev Inequality
Some operator inequalities for synchronous functions that are related to the čebyšev inequality are given. Among other inequalities for synchronous functions it is shown that ∥ø(f(A)g(A)) - ø(f(A))ø(g(A))∥ ≤ max{║ø(f2(A)) - ø2(f(A))║, ║ø)G2(A)) - ø2(g(A))║} where A is a self-adjoint and compact operator on B(ℋ ), f, g ∈ C (sp (A)) continuous and non-negative functions and ø: B(ℋ ) → B(ℋ ) be a n-normalized bounded positive linear map. In addition, by using the concept of quadruple D-synchronous functions which is generalizes the concept of a pair of synchronous functions, we establish an inequality similar to čebyšev inequality.