فقه و حقوق خانواده (Jun 2019)
The Procedure of the family litigation in the new family protection Act from the perspective of the special principles governing these litigations.
Family lawsuits cover most of the cases brought before the judiciary. The importance of the family and its profound impact on the community and the requirements of family litigations, clarifies the necessity of the special principle governing to the family litigation. It is clear that the acceptance of special principles require the acceptance of special procedure in family litigation. Because the complex rules of the civil procedure cannot provide the speed and ease and accuracy which is the necessity of the family litigation. The new family protection Act was approved to resolve the existing problems and resolve the lack of the law of the family and to some extent it change the rules of civil procedure and in some cases, have innovations. Nonetheless, including substantive issues cause distance of this Act from its main purpose. In this article with explaining the principle of family litigation and by reviewing this Act and some other legal systems such as France and England, we study the procedure governing the family cases from the perspective of these principles. This study will clarify the success of the new family protection Act.