Health SA Gesondheid: Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (Nov 2004)

Neuro-epistemology: a post-modernist analysis of the neuro-sciences

  • Menachem Mazabow,
  • Alban Burke,
  • Anita Stuart

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 2


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This paper examines the theoretical framework in which we construct our terms of reference when examining patients from an integrated Meyerian biopsychosocial perspective. Opsomming Hierdie artikel ondersoek die teoretiese raamwerk waarin ons, ons terme van verwysing konstrueer met verwysing na die ondersoeking van pasiënte vanuit 'n geïntegreerde Meyeriaanse biopsigososiale perspektief. *Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text.