Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación (May 2015)
About the MOOC model: philosophy, cost and structure
In an increasingly complex of jobs that are constantly evolving, and with prospects, according to the McKinsey Global Institute, that by 2020 there will be about 85 millions killed jobs (Shen, 2014), all motivated by the rapid change generates technology, training is an important turning point. With universities preparing students for encyclopedic knowledge, skills and human values, many are wondering how it will change the method of learning the coming years, in order to adapt ourselves to new challenging technologies. Some people saw the MOOC as a panacea for achieving in disruption of learning environments, but it is true that we have seen that this disruption is not such from a methodological point of view. There are MOOC that do not generate the change as expected in the learning mode based on the receiver of teaching. The director of a major MOOC european platforms call FutureLearn has made statements about the MOOCs are not going to trans- form Education. In any case, the so-called «digital natives» demand new ways of learning and today the MOOC are the advance with which it is experienced in new ways learning with an education based on new technologies.