Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette (Sep 2023)
Neonatal anthropometric measurements and its relation to maternal anthropometry and demographics
Abtsract Background Healthy pregnancy and maternal health status influence fetal growth. Studies linking maternal and neonatal anthropometry showed confounding results. Objectives To study the relationship between maternal and neonatal anthropometry. Methods This cross-sectional study included 491 full-term healthy newborns born to healthy mothers with uncomplicated pregnancy. Neonatal and maternal anthropometric measurements as well as detailed perinatal history were recorded. Results Third trimester weight, body mass index (BMI), and mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) were positively related to neonatal birth weight (BW), length and head circumference (HC) (p < 0.001 for all of them except for MUAC with length, p = 0.021). Maternal education was inversely related to BW (p = 0.031) and positively related to HC (p = 0.001). Consanguinity had a positive relation to HC (p < 0.001). Conclusions Maternal 3rd trimester weight, MUAC, BMI, education, and consanguinity can be related to different neonatal anthropometric measurements.