Antioxidants (Nov 2024)

Antioxidant Capacity, Phenolic Compounds, and Other Constituents of Cold and Hot Yerba Mate (<i>Ilex paraguariensis</i>) Infusions

  • Julia Płatkiewicz,
  • Daniel Okołowicz,
  • Robert Frankowski,
  • Tomasz Grześkowiak,
  • Magdalena Jeszka-Skowron,
  • Agnieszka Zgoła-Grześkowiak

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 12
p. 1467


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Yerba mate beverage is prepared from Ilex paraguariensis grown in South America, and its popularity still is increasing. The aim of this study was to show the differences in the content of antioxidant compounds between hot- and cold-prepared mate beverages. The antioxidant capacity of the infusions was tested using the Folin–Ciocalteu, ABTS, and DPPH assays. A comprehensive analysis of different phenolic and other constituents was performed with the use of high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The hot-prepared infusions on average contain considerably more active compounds than the cold-prepared infusions, which resulted in greater antioxidant activity of hot-prepared beverages. While the hot-prepared infusions of pure yerba mate contained a similar amount of bioactive compounds as those with different additives, for cold-prepared beverages, greater antioxidant activity was found for samples containing additives. In both conditions, the lowest antioxidant activity was noted for Ilex guayusa, which contained less rutin, caffeoylquinic acids, dicaffeoylquinic acids, and theobromine, but more caffeine.
