Physical Activity Review (Aug 2013)
Professional activities of an Olympic martial sports trainer
The aim of the study was to determine the importance of basic professional activitiesof a trainer in Olympic martial sports, defining the differences between trainers’ opinions anddiscovering the main groups of activities characteristic for a given martial sport. Methods andResources. Opinions of 37 trainers with many years of experience in boxing (n=11), Olympictaekwondo (n=13) and wrestling (n=13) were collected via a questionnaire composed of 20 activities, towhich respondents allocated a rank from 1 to 4. Results. The most important activities of an Olympicmartial sports were managing the technical, tactical and physical preparation of a trainee. Boxing andtaekwondo trainers’ opinions were very alike (rsp=0.78; p0.05). Themost important professional activities created various clusters depending on the specifics of a martialsport. Conclusions. Hierarchization of the basic professional activities of a trainer showed consistency inthe most important ones, and discrepancies between those defined as less important. Opinions of thetrainers in sports similar in terms of the combat techniques were similar. Three martial sports trainersdiffered in the way they perceived the importance of directing their trainees during sports competitions.The groups of professional activities of a trainer differ between boxing, taekwondo and wrestling.