PP 7.3 – 00010 Virion Immunocapture Reveals Low-level Myeloid-derived HIV Expression in Semen under INSTI-based Therapy is Disparate from Circulating Seminal and Blood Proviral Sequences
J. Johnson,
J.F. Li,
J. Politch,
J. Lipscomb,
J. Defelice,
M. Gelman,
K. Mayer,
D. Anderson
J. Johnson
Centers For Disease Control, Atlanta, USA
J.F. Li
Centers For Disease Control, Atlanta, USA
J. Politch
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, USA
J. Lipscomb
Centers For Disease Control, Atlanta, USA
J. Defelice
The Fenway Institute, Boston, USA
M. Gelman
The Fenway Institute, Boston, USA
K. Mayer
The Fenway Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA