Danza e Ricerca (Dec 2015)
Piccola storia della danse de façade. Un cammino verticale tra radici artistico-sportive e tattiche culturali di trasformazione del tessuto urbano
The essay describes some topics that I dealt with within my master's thesis. In particular I have examined and analyzed the intricate historical, social and anthropological background of the origins of the phenomenon called danse de façade. A path that going through the 20th century links several artistic movements (dada, surrealism, situationism, land art, nouvelle danse française) and sport movements (mountaineering, free climbing, sport climbing) reaching the currents trespassing that lead to an intense exchange between vertical dance, urban dance, and terrain vague theories. In this work my first aim was to describe the origins of this discipline and in doing so decisively infer how danse de façade gives rise to political and civil engagement in urban areas.