Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Social representations of older adults regarding quality of life

  • Marielle Cristina Gonçalves Ferreira,
  • Luiz Fernando Rangel Tura,
  • Rafael Celestino da Silva,
  • Márcia de Assunção Ferreira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 70, no. 4
pp. 806 – 813


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ABSTRACT Objective: to identify the social representations of older adults regarding quality of life, and to analyze the care practices adopted to promote it. Method: qualitative, exploratory, descriptive research, applying the Theory of Social Representations. Thirty older people from a Health Academy of Rio de Janeiro participated in the study. The software Alceste was used, and lexical analysis of data was performed. Results: social representations of quality of life are based on the social determinants of health; they evidence knowledge and practices of care by valuing physical activities. The practices promoting quality of life comprise healthy eating habits, daily physical exercise, social participation, interaction and socialization, accomplishment of leisure activities and daily tasks with independence and autonomy, and support and family contact. Final considerations: the elderly have a global understanding of the concept of quality of life, coordinate knowledge built in daily life and knowledge coming from the technical-professional field, which evidences the multidimensionality of the concept.
