Dissertationes Archaeologicae: Ex Instituto Archaeologico Universitatis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae (Feb 2015)
A Palaeolithic mammoth bone deposit and a Late Copper Age Baden settlement and enclosure. Preliminary report on the rescue excavation at Szurdokpüspöki – Hosszú-dűlő II–III. (M21 site No. 6–7)
The Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the Eötvös Loránd University carried out a rescue excavation at the Szurdokpüspöki – Hosszú-dűlő II-III. site, where Palaeolithic, Late Copper Age, Early Bronze Age and Roman Age features were found. This preliminary report concentrates on the Palaeolithic pit where mammoth bones were deposited and on the special features of the Late Copper Age settlement.