Escola Anna Nery (Nov 2018)
Health teaching-service integration: possible dialogues from collective co-management
Abstract Objective: To analyze the Pró-Saúde management from an intersectoral dialogical space of teaching-service integration. Method: A case study whose information was produced by observing meetings of intersectoral management instances and interviews with Health Training Prism members, between 2012 and 2013. We used the operational proposal for the analysis of qualitative data, in the light of the Paideia Training and Support Methodology for collective co-management. Results: The instances presented themselves as a democratic possibility of sharing the power of representatives of the university (field of theory) and service (field of practice), consonant with the Paideia Support. However, it is necessary for the people involved to appropriate strategies that encourage the reorientation of teaching and to qualify listening in the collective space. Final Considerations: Training reorientation processes co-management, fostering the dialogue between teaching and service, ramp up praxis in health management and enable changes in training and health care.