Teknologi Pangan: Media Informasi dan Komunikasi Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian (Feb 2021)

Peningkatan derajat putih tepung apel malang menggunakan pengering vakum (Vacuum Drying) untuk mendapatkan suhu dan waktu pengeringan terbaik

  • Puji Putro Ardianto,
  • Lorine Tantalu,
  • Sri Handayani,
  • Sudirman Sudirman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1


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The purpose of this study was to increase the whiteness in the process of making apple flour so that it can be used as a base for making various kinds of food preparations. The treatment are comparing the best temperature and time, which each of them will be used in different times, namely 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours and 8 hours. This study used a ran-domized block design method (RAK) which was arranged in two factors, namely factor 2. And for temperature (T): 50˚C (T1), 55˚C (T2), 60˚C (T3), 65˚C (K4). The results of data analysis using ANOVA for all parameters showed significant differences. For the highest mean value for yield, whiteness, amylose and amylopectin content, crude fiber content was 14.50% respectively (at treatment temperature of 50oC with 2 hours drying time); 78.50% (at treatment temperature of 60oC with a drying time of 2 hours); 55.29% (at a temperature treatment of 65oC with a drying time of 8 hours); and 18.26% (at a tempera-ture treatment of 50oC with a drying time of 2 hours). Meanwhile, the lowest water con-tent value is at an average value of 17.46% at a temperature treatment of 65oC for 8 hours. The best treatment to produce apple flour with the best parameter value was ob-tained in the treatment with a temperature of 55oC with a drying time of 2 hours.
