Revista de Saúde Pública (Jun 1980)

Evidenciação do antígeno da hepatite B (HBsAg) em Triatominae Hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg) in wild triatominae in Brazil

  • Oswaldo Paulo Forattini,
  • S. Otatti,
  • J. A. N. Candeias,
  • J. G. Vieira,
  • M. L. Rácz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 2
pp. 194 – 198


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De 3.200 "manchas" provenientes de insetos dos gêneros Triatoma e Panstrogylus, positivas para sangue humano, 12 deram resultados presuntivamente positivos, por imunodifusão, para HBsAg. Deste total, só 7 casos foram confirmados como positivos, por radioimunoensaio, correspondendo todos eles a "manchas" obtidas de ninfas de Triatoma infestans.A total of 3,200 impressions were fixed on filter paper and were identified as containing human blood obtained from blood-sucking arthropods of the Triatoma and Panstrongylus genre. The impressions were then examined for the presence of the hepatitis B antigen (HBsAg). The immunodifusion technique showed that 12 impressions were presumably HBsAg positive, but the radioimmunoassay technique only confirmed 7 positive results. The positive samples were all obtained from Triatoma infestans nymphae.
