RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries (Dec 2018)
Morphological and qualitative indicators of broiler cross of cockerels “Cobb 500”
The dynamics of live weight and the morphological composition of carcasses of broiler chickens “Cobb 500” at 1-, 21-, 28-, 33-, 38- and 42-day-old ages were studied. It was found that the increase in the average daily growth in broiler males is observed up to the 33-day age, on average they are 62.7 g, then up to 42 days - 85.56 g. The slaughter yield in 33-day broilers was 71.83%, 42 days - 73.12%. The carcass contains the most muscle tissue, from 994 g (33 day), or 65.57%, to 1410 g, or 66.95% (42 days). By the 42-day age of the males, the absolute mass of muscles is 178.26 times higher than the weight of the 1-day-old ones. The relative mass of bones in the carcasses of 33-day-old males is 20.32%, 42-day-olds - 16.52%. The anatomical cutting of the carcasses shows that the breast yield is 35.95-36.23%, the hips - 17.15-17.09%, the shins - 14.38-14.20%, the wings -11.15-10.68%. It is established that anatomically parts of the carcass differ in quality because of the different ratio of muscle tissue and bones in them.