Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación (Jun 2011)

Initation to dance as an educational agent of body expression in the current physical education. Methodological aspects

  • Raquel Pérez Ordás,
  • Inmaculada García Sánchez,
  • África Calvo Lluch

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 20
pp. 33 – 36


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Dance as a rhythmic-expressive content presents ample opportunities for the training of students from an inclusive point of view (level of physical, intellectual and emotional). However, the use of this content or treatment in the context of physical education is limited or ad hoc. The ignorance of the contributions of dance to develop the whole person, considering this activity mainly women and/or lack of teacher training are some of the reasons that might justify the waste of dance as an educational agent of body expression. With regard to the lack of teacher training, the work presented below is intended to answer a series of questions related to how to teach dance: what methodology is appropriate?, any kind of dance is suitable to work in the classroom?, how to properly use the basic elements of rhythm in the proposals danced?
