Dynamics (Jan 2024)

New Types of Derivative Non-linear Schrödinger Equations Related to Kac–Moody Algebra <inline-formula><math display="inline"><semantics><msubsup><mi mathvariant="bold-italic">A</mi><mn mathvariant="bold">2</mn><mrow><mo mathvariant="bold">(</mo><mn mathvariant="bold">1</mn><mo mathvariant="bold">)</mo></mrow></msubsup></semantics></math></inline-formula>

  • Aleksander Aleksiev Stefanov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 81 – 96


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We derive a new system of integrable derivative non-linear Schrödinger equations with an L operator, quadratic in the spectral parameter with coefficients belonging to the Kac–Moody algebra A2(1). The construction of the fundamental analytic solutions of L is outlined and they are used to introduce the scattering data, thus formulating the scattering problem for the Lax pair L,M.
