مدیریت و چشم انداز آموزش (Dec 2020)

The Impact of Positive Leadership on Work Engagement with the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment among the of Managers in High Schools of Sabzevar City

  • samira safarzadeh,
  • alimohammad naemi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 3
pp. 69 – 92


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The present study examines the impact of positive leadership on work engagement with the mediating role of psychological empowerment among the managers of high schools in academic year 1398-99 in Sabzevar city. The method of research in view of application purpose and the method of data collection is descriptive and its type is correlation with an emphasis on structural equations. The population consisted of all managers of high schools (first and second term) in Sabzevar city (138 persons) among which 102 individuals were selected as the sample group, using on cochrane formula based. That sample was selected by Simple Random sampling. The data was collected through positive leadership Cameron (2008), work engagement by Schaufeli & Bakker (2006), psychological empowerment by Spreitzer & Mishra (1995) questionnaires. To evaluate reliability of the questionnaires we used Spss22 and lisrel 8.8 softwares, and Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for data analyzing. The results showed that: psychological empowerment playing a mediating role in impact of positive leadership on work engagement. Positive leadership has a significant impact on the psychological empowerment (0/43) and psychological empowerment has a significant impact on the work engagement (0/32).
