JLI: Jurnal Litbang Industri (Dec 2011)
Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Tempe Terhadap Mutu Kecap Air Kelapa
It had been done the research on effect of tempe flour addition to the quality of coconut water sauce with the aim of reducing dependence on soybean as a raw material of soy sauce and potential use of coconut water waste. The study was conducted with the combined treatment of tempe flour percentage (5% and 10%), and the addition of the preservative sodium benzoate treatment (0.1 g and 0.2 g). The protein level, metal contamination (Pb, Cu, Fe, Zn), microbial contamination and organoleptic tests of the flavor, color, fragrance and product stability during storage were analyzed. The results showed that the addition of tempe flour of 10% with 0.2 grams of the preservative sodium benzoate provide optimal results with a protein content of 6.24%, texture, flavor, and color were preferred and the product keep persitst for more than 8 weeks.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh penambahan tepung tempe terhadap mutu kecap air kelapa dengan tujuan mengurangi ketergantungan pada kacang kedele sebagai bahan baku pembuatan kecap dan memanfaatkan limbah air kelapa. Penelitian dilakukan dengan kombinasi perlakuan persentase tepung tempe 5% dan 10%, dan perlakuan penambahan pengawet natrium benzoat 0,1 gr dan 0,2 gr. Produk kemudian dianalisis kadar protein, cemaran logam (Pb, Cu, Zn), cemaran mikroba dan uji organoleptik terhadap rasa, warna, aroma dan ketahanan simpan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung tempe 10% dengan pengawet natrium benzoat 0,2 gram memberikan hasil optimal dengan kadar protein 6,24%, tekstur, rasa dan warna disukai serta tahan simpan lebih dari 8 minggu.